CAD Files

Part #DescriptionDownload
4' High 840 Style Panels
141' W x 4' H 840 Panel w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
242' W x 4' H 840 Panel w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
343' W x 4' H 840 Panel w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
444' W x 4' H 840 Panel w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
545' W x 4' H 840 Panel w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
646' W x 4' H 840 Panel w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
747' W x 4' H 840 Panel w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
848' W x 4' H 840 Panel w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
949' W x 4' H 840 Panel w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
10410' W x 4' H 840 Panel w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File

5' High 840 Style Panels

151' W x 5' H 840 Panel w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
252' W x 5' H 840 Panel w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
353' W x 5' H 840 Panel w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
454' W x 5' H 840 Panel w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
555' W x 5' H 840 Panel w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
656' W x 5' H 840 Panel w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
757' W x 5' H 840 Panel w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
858' W x 5' H 840 Panel w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
959' W x 5' H 840 Panel w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
10510' W x 5' H 840 Panel w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File

5’ - 3 ¼” System Height Posts

RP55’ - 3 ¼” Run PostSolidWorksSTEP File
CP55’ - 3 ¼” Corner PostSolidWorksSTEP File

8’ - 5 ¼” System Height Posts

RP88’ - 5 ¼” Run PostSolidWorksSTEP File
CP88’ - 5 ¼” Corner PostSolidWorksSTEP File

10’ - 5 ¼” System Height Posts

RP1010’ - 5 ¼” Run PostSolidWorksSTEP File
CP1010’ - 5 ¼” Corner PostSolidWorksSTEP File

12’ - 5 ¼” System Height Posts

RP1212’ - 5 ¼” Run PostSolidWorksSTEP File
CP1212’ - 5 ¼” Corner PostSolidWorksSTEP File
CP12O12’ - 5 ¼” Offset Corner PostSolidWorksSTEP File
Part #DescriptionDownload

5’ - 3 ¼” System Height Hinged Doors

HD3553' W x 5' H Machine Guarding Door w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
HD4554' W x 5' H Machine Guarding Door w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File

8’ - 5 ¼” System Height Hinged Doors

HD3783' W x 7'-3 1/4" H - Hinged Door w/1' Transom Panel & 2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
HD378UNV3' W x 7'-3 1/4" H - Hinged Door w/1' Transom Panel & 2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
HD4784' W x 7'-3 1/4" H - Hinged Door w/1' Transom Panel & 2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File

10’ - 5 ¼” System Height Hinged Doors

HD37103' W x 7'-3 1/4" H - Hinged Door w/3' Transom Panel & 2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
HD3710UNV3' W x 7'-3 1/4" H - Hinged Door w/3' Transom Panel & 2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
HD47104' W x 7'-3 1/4" H - Hinged Door w/3' Transom Panel & 2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File

12’ - 5 ¼” System Height Hinged Doors

HD37123' W x 7'-3 1/4" H - Hinged Door w/5' Transom Panel & 2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
HD3712UNV3' W x 7'-3 1/4" H - Hinged Door w/5' Transom Panel & 2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
HD47124' W x 7'-3 1/4" H - Hinged Door w/5' Transom Panel & 2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File

8’ - 5 ¼” System Height Double Hinged Doors

DHD6786'-0" W x 7'-3 1/4" H - Double Hinged Door w/1' Transom Panel & 2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
DHD8788'-0" W x 7'-3 1/4" H - Double Hinged Door w/1' Transom Panel & 2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File

10’ - 5 ¼” System Height Double Hinged Doors

DHD67106'-0" W x 7'-3 1/4" H - Double Hinged Door w/3' Transom Panel & 2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
DHD87108'-0" W x 7'-3 1/4" H - Double Hinged Door w/3' Transom Panel & 2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File

12’ - 5 ¼” System Height Double Hinged Doors

DHD67126'-0" W x 7'-3 1/4" H - Double Hinged Door w/5' Transom Panel & 2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
DHD87128'-0" W x 7'-3 1/4" H - Double Hinged Door w/5' Transom Panel & 2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
Part #DescriptionDownload

8’ - 5 ¼” System Height Slide Doors

SD3883' W x 8' H - Slide Door w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
SD4884' W x 8' H - Slide Door w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
SD5885' W x 8' H - Slide Door w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
SD6886' W x 8' H - Slide Door w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
SD8888' W x 8' H - Slide Door w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
SD108810' W x 8' H - Slide Door w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File

10’ - 5 ¼” System Height Slide Doors

SD310103' W x 10' H - Slide Door w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
SD410104' W x 10' H - Slide Door w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
SD510105' W x 10' H - Slide Door w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
SD610106' W x 10' H - Slide Door w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
SD810108' W x 10' H - Slide Door w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
SD10101010' W x 10' H - Slide Door w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File

12’ - 5 ¼” System Height Slide Doors

SD38123' W x 8' H - Slide Door w/4' Transom Panel & 2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
SD48124' W x 8' H - Slide Door w/4' Transom Panel & 2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
SD58125' W x 8' H - Slide Door w/4' Transom Panel & 2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
SD68126' W x 8' H - Slide Door w/4' Transom Panel & 2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
SD88128' W x 8' H - Slide Door w/4' Transom Panel & 2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
SD1081210' W x 8' H - Slide Door w/4' Transom Panel & 2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
Part #DescriptionDownload

8’ - 5 ¼” System Height Tunnel Doors

TD4884' W x 8' H - Tunnel Door w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
TD5885' W x 8' H - Tunnel Door w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
TD6886' W x 8' H - Tunnel Door w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
TD7887' W x 8' H - Tunnel Door w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
TD8888' W x 8' H - Tunnel Door w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
TD9889' W x 8' H - Tunnel Door w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File
TD108810' W x 8' H - Tunnel Door w/2" x 1" Woven Wire MeshSolidWorksSTEP File

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